Anna Oppermanns Ensemble "Umarmungen, Unerklärliches und eine Gedichtzeile von R.M.R. "
A Hypermedia Picture-Text-Archive on Ensemble and Work
1: Start screen -- view of the last installation of the Ensemble in the Sprengel Museum in Hannover, Germany. 2: A canvas (0_I) chosen from the upper left part of the view in the Sprengel Museum (see fig. 1). At the lower right are the comments by the author. 3: The object (2_94) chosen in fig. 2, one of the "Association Triggering Objects", as Anna Oppermann called them. 4: The object (2_94) with its "sites": a listing of all of its elements of the ensemble on whichit has been depicted directely. 5: One of the selected "sites" of the object (2_94) from fig. 4.
6: The drawing selected in fig. 5 (at the left in the back) with the transcripted hand written text. 7: Invocation of the "Picture Archive": the drawing is shown without text window or the like. Also here elements can be chosen. 8: Zooming function: it shows a scrollable part of the enlarged drawing in the "Picture Archive" mode. 9: Invocation of the index with the entries about the key word "Frau" (woman), here one the numerous newspaper clippings in the ensemble. 10: Invocation of a "Group": "Newspaper Clippings", a subgroup of "Materials".
11: Arrangement of the "Association Triggering Elements" of the Ensemble as named by Anna Oppermann as part of the group "Arrangements / Iconography". 12: Another example of a group: different public installations of the ensemble are arranged for comparison in the group "Arrangements / Compositions". 13: Photo of an early installation of the ensemble in Florence (Italy), with its "Elements": all the single elements perceptible on the photo. 14: Extensive supplementary material on Anna Oppermann's work can be retrieved by choosing "Secondary Material". This is a link to the "Hypermedia Picture Text Archive", especially to the page about the "Embrace"-Ensemble. 15: "Secondary Material" also contains short video clips about Anna Oppermann along with a written translation of the spoken words.