Anna Oppermann's Ensemble "Umarmungen, Unerklärliches und eine Gedichtzeile von R.M.R. "
A Hypermedia Picture-Text-Archive on Ensemble and Work
Within the course of a master's thesis the work of digitally archiving the "Embraces"-Ensemble started in the beginning of the nineties. Thus a prototype for the research project "Hypermedia Picture, Text, Video Archives for the Documentation of Complex Artifacts of Fine Arts" was finished.

The application, complete and authenticated, contains the approximately 600 ensemble objects with all their mutual connections. Contained are not only the complete text corpus with transcriptions, explanations and indexing, but also high quality reproductions of all photo and scetch materials (approximately 250 drawings, 22 canvases, photos, objects, quotes from literature and newspaper clippings in facsimile and in double resolution).

Additionally the users themselves have the opportunity to work interactively with the material and to study secondary material, including texts and video clips, on the methodology and the artistic estate of Anna Oppermann.

Screenshots give an impression on how to use the application with all its options.

The application has been published in English and in German as:
Carmen Wedemeyer: Umarmungen ... / Embraces ...: Anna Oppermanns Ensemble ”Umarmungen, Unerklärliches und eine Gedichtzeile von R.M.R." Ein hypermediales Bild-Text-Archiv zu Ensemble und Werk / A Hypermedia Picture-Text-Archive on Ensemble and Work, Frankfurt a. M. and Basel 1998. ISBN 3-87877-491-5, € 24.