Anna Oppermanns Ensemble "Umarmungen, Unerklärliches und eine Gedichtzeile von R.M.R. "
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Umarmungen, Unerklärliches und eine Gedichtzeile von R. M. R. / Embraces, Inexplicables, and a Line from R.M.R., since 1977 |
association triggering objects:
1. Embracing Object (Florence, 1977) Material: plasticine, paper. Size: 8.5 cm high, 4.5 cm wide at the shoulder, 1.5 cm thick.
A figure, similar to a person, which encompasses another figure, somewhat smaller, who's outline corresponds with that of the larger one. Both are faceless and sexless.
2. Eye-stage (or a reclining face?) traversable (Florence 1977). Material: wood, plasticine, grass, stones. Size of the model: 12.5 x 12 x 4 cm. An open fire place is located where the mouth would be.
3. Red facade with a view as though through a window (Hamburg 1978). Material: fabric painted with varying tones of red. Size: 41 x 38 cm.
It is important to me to state that the color »red as blood« plays a very minor role, if any at all.
4. Kitsch souvenir from Florence, in the form of an indoor, open fireplace (found in Florence, 1977). Material: colorful porcelain, plastic, brass. Size: 19 x 17.5 x 4 cm.
On the top is picture of »il Duomo -- Firenze.« Over the fireplace hangs a saying, which, when translated, says approximately »the mother's heart is always the most faithful« -- cuore di Mamma è sempre il piu sincero.
5. Person (woman?) sitting on a bed, cut out of white cardboard and folded (Paris, 1969). Size: approx. 13 x 16 x 10 cm.
Accidentally squirted with tomato juice; key word: maculate perception.
6. Brownish stains on white linen, which came into being through the slow rotting process of three tomatoes (Florence 1977). Size: approx. 20 x 30 cm.
Ambiguous à la Rorschach. M. sees an eye in the middle.
7. Various quotations, above all the line of a poem by R. M. R. (Rainer Maria Rilke) out of the Duinese Elegies. »Who, if I cried, would hear me among the angelic orders? And even if one of them suddenly pressed me against his heart, I should fade in the strength of his stronger existence. For Beauty's nothing but the beginning of Terror ...« |