Anna Oppermanns Ensemble "Umarmungen, Unerklärliches und eine Gedichtzeile von R.M.R. "
A Hypermedia Picture-Text -Archive on Ensemble and Work

Umarmungen, Unerklärliches und eine Gedichtzeile von R. M. R. / Embraces, Inexplicables, and a Line from R.M.R., since 1977

inventory number: 19

reference ensemble
"Cucumbers and Tomatoes (being woman)"

images of the ensemble:


texts from Anna Oppermann on the ensemble:
[1] [2]


thematic plants:

theme / key words:
mother with child
the travels of D. Duck
roles of women
immaculate conception
tarnished awareness
marble Madonna del Latte
looking behind the facades
Simonetta Vespucci
masculine -- feminine
one side -- the other side
window cross-bars

association triggering objects:
1. Embracing Object (Florence, 1977) Material: plasticine, paper. Size: 8.5 cm high, 4.5 cm wide at the shoulder, 1.5 cm thick.
A figure, similar to a person, which encompasses another figure, somewhat smaller, who's outline corresponds with that of the larger one. Both are faceless and sexless.
2. Eye-stage (or a reclining face?) traversable (Florence 1977). Material: wood, plasticine, grass, stones. Size of the model: 12.5 x 12 x 4 cm. An open fire place is located where the mouth would be.
3. Red facade with a view as though through a window (Hamburg 1978). Material: fabric painted with varying tones of red. Size: 41 x 38 cm.
It is important to me to state that the color »red as blood« plays a very minor role, if any at all.
4. Kitsch souvenir from Florence, in the form of an indoor, open fireplace (found in Florence, 1977). Material: colorful porcelain, plastic, brass. Size: 19 x 17.5 x 4 cm.
On the top is picture of »il Duomo -- Firenze.« Over the fireplace hangs a saying, which, when translated, says approximately »the mother's heart is always the most faithful« -- cuore di Mamma è sempre il piu sincero.
5. Person (woman?) sitting on a bed, cut out of white cardboard and folded (Paris, 1969). Size: approx. 13 x 16 x 10 cm.
Accidentally squirted with tomato juice; key word: maculate perception.
6. Brownish stains on white linen, which came into being through the slow rotting process of three tomatoes (Florence 1977). Size: approx. 20 x 30 cm.
Ambiguous à la Rorschach. M. sees an eye in the middle.
7. Various quotations, above all the line of a poem by R. M. R. (Rainer Maria Rilke) out of the Duinese Elegies. »Who, if I cried, would hear me among the angelic orders? And even if one of them suddenly pressed me against his heart, I should fade in the strength of his stronger existence. For Beauty's nothing but the beginning of Terror ...«

public presentations:
Galerie Schema Florenz 1978
Kölnischer Kunstverein and Nationalgalerie Berlin "Junge Kunst in Deutschland - Privat gefördert" 1982/83
Kunstverein in Hamburg 1984
Bonner Kunstverein 1984 (reduction)
Gotische Halle Celle 1985 (reduction)
Galerie Britta Heberle Frankfurt 1985
Galerie Philomene Magers Bonn 1987 (reduction)
Galerie Vorsetzen Hamburg 1987 (reduction)
Bonner Kunstverein "Das Verhältnis der Geschlechter" 1989
Kunstverein Hannover (and at other places) 1989 (reduction)
Sprengel Museum Hannover 1993-96